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Let your Aura shine

Let your Aura shine

I first discovered Nia in 2006 after reading an article in a Health and Well-being magazine in Dubai. I was looking for something different. I love to dance but at that time was open to discovering a more holistic movement practice. After more than 30 years of dancing and teaching classical Ballet, Jazz, Modern and Tap, my body wanted a change.

Nia certainly grabbed my attention. A body-mind-spirit movement practice that was a unique blend of Martial Arts, Dance and Healing Art, sounded perfect!

Fast forward a year and I enrolled on a Nia White Belt Training in the UK. It was my first Nia experience after reading the article and from the first day of the training I was hooked. Having never done one Nia class before stepping into the Training it certainly was a sensory overload, but I loved it! Many of the White Belt principles I ‘didn’t get’ at the time, but I was blown away by the whole week’s experience and it inspired me to go deeper.

Six months after taking the training I started to teach and from that day on I only teach Nia. It has truly changed my life in profound ways. I now live in my body in a totally different way and as a result I see life through a different lense. The Nia somatic education is extensive and for me the journey of discovery gets richer and richer the deeper I venture.

One of things (and there are many!) that I personally LOVE about Nia is the freedom, the flow and the self expression. When I witness students truly connecting to their body’s wisdom through the dance, magic happen. There is an aliveness in the room, it’s tangible. It continues to inspire me. I love that Nia as a movement practice is my spiritual practice.

My personal Nia practice continues to guide me in my life, of which I am truly thankful. It has lead me after all to this exact moment now. It has inspired me to create Aura.

For those or you who are not aware, Aura is a clothing line which has been created out of love for the feminine spirit. Born out of the desire for women to express on the outside the beauty that shines from within. Letting a woman’s uniqueness reflect from her soul and touch the world. Appreciating her grace, elegance, inner wisdom and sensual beauty.

When I dance Nia, it makes me feel a deeper connection to my soul to my essence. It awakens my feminine powers. What enhances the physical experience for me is feeling comfortable in what I am wearing to move in. Fashion is a way to share authentic truth. Fashion in the right hands has soul. It’s a way to express ourselves and tell our story. When you feel good in your clothes, the world picks up on your energy and what you feel is reflected back at you. Fashion is a form of self-love.

Wearing clothing that breathe, that flow with me, that allow me to express my dance with ease and grace is for me pure joy. Feeling comfortable in what I wear for Nia goes hand in hand with creating and crafting the ultimate experience. In Nia, we talk about the language of the body is sensation, to move in a way that is sensory pleasuring moment to moment. For me Aura’s clothing feels like a second skin, and is a perfect marriage!

During my time of dancing and teaching Nia I have noticed many Nia lovers prefer to wear skirts and dresses and I do believe and see it changes the way people dance and move their bodies. Why not activate the goddess inside with a swish of the hips in a beautiful free-flowing skirt!?

If this post resonates with you, then my invitation is to take some time and browse Aura’s Online Shop it is made with love especially with you in mind!

Tracey FennerAbout Tracey Fenner
Dancing has been part of Tracey’s life since the age of 3 years. Tracey left home at 16 years to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England. After extensive classical training Tracey graduated & danced professionally for a number of years. Tracey now has almost 2 decades of teaching experience, traveling extensively worldwide. In 2007 Tracey discovered Nia, a path that would change her life forever. Tracey is trained by the Co-Creators of Nia, Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas as well as International Master Trainers Helen Terry & Ann Christiansen. Now based in Hong Kong, Tracey has been instrumental in introducing the Nia Technique to the city, and is currently the only Certified Nia Black Belt in Hong Kong. Tracey is the Founder and Artistic Director of Nia Hong Kong and facilitates transformational Nia class experiences, workshops, & retreats around the planet at renowned yoga conferences, academies for performing arts, multi award winning health resorts & destination spas, creating a sacred space for her knowledge & wisdom to inspire others. Tracey is also the Co-Creator of a sensual Dance/Yoga clothing line called Aura.
Website : Nia Hong Kong
Facebook : Nia Hong Kong
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