Let Your Aura Shine in your next Nia class!


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Let your Aura shine

Let your Aura shine

I first discovered Nia in 2006 after reading an article in a Health and Well-being magazine in Dubai. I was looking for something different. I love to dance but at that time was open to discovering a more holistic movement practice. After more than 30 years of dancing and teaching classical Ballet, Jazz, Modern and Tap, my body wanted a change.

Nia certainly grabbed my attention. A body-mind-spirit movement practice that was a unique blend of Martial Arts, Dance and Healing Art, sounded perfect!

Fast forward a year and I enrolled on a Nia White Belt Training in the UK. It was my first Nia experience after reading the article and from the first day of the training I was hooked. Having never done one Nia class before stepping into the Training it certainly was a sensory overload, but I loved it! Many of the White Belt principles I ‘didn’t get’ at the time, but I was blown away by the whole week’s experience and it inspired me to go deeper.

Six months after taking the training I started to teach and from that day on I only teach Nia. It has truly changed my life in profound ways. I now live in my body in a totally different way and as a result I see life through a different lense. The Nia somatic education is extensive and for me the journey of discovery gets richer and richer the deeper I venture.

One of things (and there are many!) that I personally LOVE about Nia is the freedom, the flow and the self expression. When I witness students truly connecting to their body’s wisdom through the dance, magic happen. There is an aliveness in the room, it’s tangible. It continues to inspire me. I love that Nia as a movement practice is my spiritual practice.

My personal Nia practice continues to guide me in my life, of which I am truly thankful. It has lead me after all to this exact moment now. It has inspired me to create Aura.

For those or you who are not aware, Aura is a clothing line which has been created out of love for the feminine spirit. Born out of the desire for women to express on the outside the beauty that shines from within. Letting a woman’s uniqueness reflect from her soul and touch the world. Appreciating her grace, elegance, inner wisdom and sensual beauty.

When I dance Nia, it makes me feel a deeper connection to my soul to my essence. It awakens my feminine powers. What enhances the physical experience for me is feeling comfortable in what I am wearing to move in. Fashion is a way to share authentic truth. Fashion in the right hands has soul. It’s a way to express ourselves and tell our story. When you feel good in your clothes, the world picks up on your energy and what you feel is reflected back at you. Fashion is a form of self-love.

Wearing clothing that breathe, that flow with me, that allow me to express my dance with ease and grace is for me pure joy. Feeling comfortable in what I wear for Nia goes hand in hand with creating and crafting the ultimate experience. In Nia, we talk about the language of the body is sensation, to move in a way that is sensory pleasuring moment to moment. For me Aura’s clothing feels like a second skin, and is a perfect marriage!

During my time of dancing and teaching Nia I have noticed many Nia lovers prefer to wear skirts and dresses and I do believe and see it changes the way people dance and move their bodies. Why not activate the goddess inside with a swish of the hips in a beautiful free-flowing skirt!?

If this post resonates with you, then my invitation is to take some time and browse Aura’s Online Shop it is made with love especially with you in mind!

Tracey FennerAbout Tracey Fenner
Dancing has been part of Tracey’s life since the age of 3 years. Tracey left home at 16 years to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England. After extensive classical training Tracey graduated & danced professionally for a number of years. Tracey now has almost 2 decades of teaching experience, traveling extensively worldwide. In 2007 Tracey discovered Nia, a path that would change her life forever. Tracey is trained by the Co-Creators of Nia, Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas as well as International Master Trainers Helen Terry & Ann Christiansen. Now based in Hong Kong, Tracey has been instrumental in introducing the Nia Technique to the city, and is currently the only Certified Nia Black Belt in Hong Kong. Tracey is the Founder and Artistic Director of Nia Hong Kong and facilitates transformational Nia class experiences, workshops, & retreats around the planet at renowned yoga conferences, academies for performing arts, multi award winning health resorts & destination spas, creating a sacred space for her knowledge & wisdom to inspire others. Tracey is also the Co-Creator of a sensual Dance/Yoga clothing line called Aura.
Website : Nia Hong Kong
Facebook : Nia Hong Kong
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Dancing Through Life ~ Feel The Magic


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Life isn’t meant to be a struggle, it’s meant to be a dance. Sometimes we take a step forward, sometimes we take a step backwards. Sometimes we even go in circles. But it’s all part of a dance. When we let go – when we listen to the music of life – we realize that we already have inside of us everything to move us along. The music is always playing we just have to decide if we’re still going to hold ourselves back or if we are going to DANCE.

Dance with LifeI was recently invited to present Nia at a company’s annual conference in Hong Kong. The focus for the day was ‘Dance with Life’. As a Nia teacher one of the concepts of Nia is a practice we call ‘Dance Through Life”. So as you can imagine I was very excited to share my knowledge of what ‘dancing with life’ means to me.

I have been blessed that since the age of 3 years old I have been ‘dancing’, so that is now over 40 years! I used to ‘think’ that dancing had to be a particular ‘form of dance’, like Ballet or Jazz and that it had to be in a dance studio! But when I discovered Nia 7 years ago and I realized that was no longer the case!!

The ‘dance-floor’ or studio is a wonderful place to learn, to explore and to practice. What we discover and learn on the dance-floor about our ‘self, we can then take out to the everyday dance, into our LIFE, the daily dance.

Imagine with me for a moment a dancer ‘pausing’, stepping back, allowing a moment in time to pass in silence/stillness. Now imagine that same practice, that same pause when you are next faced with a challenge, an obstacle in life. Instead of re-acting to that situation simply pause, step back, let a moment pass. Take a deep breath, a moment to find harmony, to practice relaxation. Consciously choosing, having the awareness in the body to simply ‘pause’ is such an incredible gift to that moment. To allow, to ‘be’, to accompany whatever show’s up.

The way we move our bodies on the dance-floor can be a metaphor for how we move through life. Do we move with ease? Do we move stiffly, fluidly, with caution?

Dance With Life 1“Our dance becomes the artistic reflection of our mind, exploring the details of our life, in front of us. When we creatively engage with the body we get to see a reflection of how our mind thinks. Having a desire to create with both our mind and body unleashes our endless possibilities and potential.” by Debbie Rosas (Co-Founder of The Nia Technique)

So last Saturday (15th February 2014) I had the incredible honor and pleasure of presenting Nia to 200+ NEW to Nia participates at the Auberge Hotel in Discovery Bay. Never before have I taught to so many people in one experience. What an amazing experience, sharing what I love ‘Nia’. I was blown away by the enthusiasm, the heartfelt gratitude, the electric energy of each of the participants. So inspiring to hear them share and express their ‘truths’ about life, the dance and the universe! Being them ‘selves’, showing up, stepping bravely into the unknown (into this NEW experience of Nia), with open minds and open hearts and going with the flow of the dance. Allowing whatever showed up to just ‘be’ and invite the universal energy of PURE JOY. It was PURE magic!

Dance with Life 2INSPIRING on every level for me…. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to Queenie for all her amazing organizing and for the invitation for me to ‘Dance through Life’ with each of the participants that showed up. Honoring each of you, all that you have achieved, how far you have each come and to all the endless possibilities and abundance that lies ahead.

Tracey FennerAbout Tracey Fenner

Dancing has been part of Tracey’s life since the age of 3 years. Tracey left home at 16 years to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England. After extensive classical training Tracey graduated & danced professionally for a number of years. Tracey now has almost 2 decades of teaching experience, traveling extensively worldwide. In 2007 Tracey discovered Nia, a path that would change her life forever. Tracey is trained by the Co-Creators of Nia, Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas as well as International Master Trainers Helen Terry & Ann Christiansen. Now based in Hong Kong, Tracey has been instrumental in introducing the Nia Technique to the city, and is currently the only Certified Nia Black Belt in Hong Kong. Tracey is the Founder and Artistic Director of Nia Hong Kong and facilitates transformational Nia class experiences, workshops, & retreats around the planet at renowned yoga conferences, academies for performing arts, multi award winning health resorts & destination spas, creating a sacred space for her knowledge & wisdom to inspire others. Tracey is also the Co-Creator of a sensual Dance/Yoga clothing line called Aura.

Website: Nia Hong Kong

Facebook: Nia Hong Kong

Twitter: Tracey @ Niahongkong


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Allowing & Resisting


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Tracey Fenner teaching Nia in Hong Kong ~ Photo by: www.partialartist.com

Tracey Fenner teaching Nia in Hong Kong ~ Photo by: http://www.partialartist.com

My Mantra for this past few month’s has been: I choose not to struggle. I choose to FLOW.

Recently I have been recovering from a right knee injury, an injury where surgery was recommended. As a Nia teacher not being able to dance and teach my classes has been incredibly difficult for me. My spirit has truly ached to dance during this time, for me dancing is truly my purpose. The classical dancer/performer within also knows how to push on, the show must go on, and also how I expect a lot from my body. My body’s wisdom spoke, or should I say shouted at me to STOP, it was ENOUGH. I am so grateful for the lessons I have received during this time. My relationship with loving my self has deepen greatly. Only the other day I was re-reading one of my desires for this year. To TRUST, to trust in the Universe. That right now I am in exactly the right place. Trusting that the universe always supports my higher good and gives me the opportunities to grow and evolve with love. In order for me to trust I had to let go of my fear, of controlling the outcome, quirky as this may sound my right knee has shown me the way.

My body is my guide. Everyday we can be faced with obstacles in our life’s, the ups and down, the good the bad. How we choose to react is key to our health and well-being. Do you choose to allow or do you choose to resist?

For me recently I have been playing with ‘Allowing’ ~ acceptance, letting go, flowing, not striving, surrendering. Certainly for me sustaining this sensation is more challenging. I am a person who is always looking forward, moving forward, striving to my next dream! So going more with the flow, and being in the unknown is a little scary for me. BUT, to change this I chose that when I am presented with obstacles, I will go with the flow, surrender versus ‘resist’. The effect this has on my nervous system is profound. A deeper sense of inner peace and calmness.

For me resisting leads to pain. To start with my knee injury I was totally resisting. I was frustrated, I kept pushing on through the pain, I struggled and put up a really good fight, rather than stopping. To be honest it was incredibly ‘hard’ work and I was getting absolutely nowhere. Healing was not happening, all I was doing was causing my body more pain.

So in order to heal by knee I had to surrender, to go with the flow and allow the natural course of time to prevail. This was a process I had to journey through and through not resisting the process I healed my knee, without surgery. And in the end I really enjoyed the process. I can’t remember the last time I actually took so much time out, and truly nurtured my body. Our bodies are so incredibly wise, when I think about it I am just in awe! Every cell in our bodies are so amazingly intelligent. Body gratitude, thank you body for showing me the way, for your ancient wisdom.

I invite you today to sense where in your life right now can you feel resistance? Where are you struggling, pushing through and hitting obstacles time and time again? What can you do today to change that cycle? To give in, to surrender and allow the flow. Wishing you and your nervous system a healthy doze of peace and stillness today and always.

If you have enjoyed reading this post, please leave me a comment. I would love to hear from you.

Tracey FennerAbout Tracey Fenner

Dancing has been part of Tracey’s life since the age of 3 years. Tracey left home at 16 years to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England. After extensive classical training Tracey graduated & danced professionally for a number of years. Tracey now has almost 2 decades of teaching experience, traveling extensively worldwide. In 2007 Tracey discovered Nia, a path that would change her life forever. Tracey is trained by the Co-Creators of Nia, Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas as well as International Master Trainers Helen Terry & Ann Christiansen. Now based in Hong Kong, Tracey has been instrumental in introducing the Nia Technique to the city, and is currently the only Certified Nia Black Belt in Hong Kong. Tracey is the Founder and Artistic Director of Nia Hong Kong and facilitates transformational Nia class experiences, workshops, & retreats around the planet at renowned yoga conferences, academies for performing arts, multi award winning health resorts & destination spas, creating a sacred space for her knowledge & wisdom to inspire others.

Website: Nia Hong Kong

Facebook: Nia Hong Kong

Twitter: Tracey @ Niahongkong


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Exclusive Interview with Master Nia Trainer Helen Terry ~ Dreams Come True


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Helen Terry @ Soma Ranch

Helen Terry @ Soma Ranch

By Tracey Fenner

“Helen Terry is one of the best teachers, mothers, and trainers, and because of her mastery in Nia and in her ability to build and create a successful personal and professional life she was one of the first two trainers chosen to step into the role of Blue Belt trainer!” Debbie Rosas

“I consider myself an inspirer as much as an educator. I was born to make an inspirational difference in people’s lives through movement to music and how I live my life. When I teach Nia, I adore watching how folks light up! It’s phenomenal how many people’s lives are being changed through this practice. I consider it a blessing to have found Nia and a privilege to teach and share this wonderful technique” Helen Terry

Helen has been devoted to teaching Nia full time since 1993. She has a special and very effective way of catering to the unique needs of each individual. She helps folks feel great while giving them the skills they need. As well as a top international Nia trainer, an entertaining, “to the point” speaker and multiple business owner, Helen is also a wife and mother who loves spending family time with her daughter and “home support” husband.

  • B.Ed (hons) in Physical Education and Special Need
  • M.Ed in Exercise Physiology and Human Performance,
  • Dance Therapy Specialist (Authentic Movement)
  • Certified Body Ecologist.
  • Founder, and co owner of Studio NiaMoves Houston, (est. 1996)
  • Creator of “Soma Ranch” Montgomery Texas. (est. 2009)
  • Warm, knowledgeable and enthusiastic teacher. (since 1993)
  • International Fitness and Wellness presenter (30+ conferences)

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to interview Helen Terry and share with you all how living your dreams, can come true. Helen is an inspiration, guided by spirit and truly lives her life with pure joy and passion. Along with her husband Joe and daughter Liliana they have created Soma Ranch. An incredible sanctuary for learning in Texas, where everyone who visits is made to feel like they are at home, and leaves feeling renewed.

Helen and I first met back in 2007 when I embarked on my personal journey with Nia. Helen was my trainer for both my White and Blue Belts Intensive Nia Trainings whilst I was in the UK. A journey that profoundly changed my life. I am deeply grateful to Helen for all her love and continued support. Thank you for sharing with us your wisdom, for leading by example, showing me that anything in life is possible, for dreaming BIG and for living your dreams everyday….

Q1) Can you tell us about Nia as a practice?

Nia is a fabulous workout for the body, mind, emotion, and soul. I love how as a practice Nia has many life applications beyond the 1 hour class experience. For example I went from a size 18 to size 8 in the first year of my Nia practice (i.e. an affective weight loss program), I am far better able to concentrate, focus and remain relaxed (Mind fitness), I went from loathing my body to loving it (Emotional balance), and my personal belief system has been enhanced from Nia (I now have hope spiritually!)

Q2) What do you love about Nia?

Beyond the above, I LOVE how Nia has strengthened many relationships. For example I’ve experienced very significant connections with my husband, my daughter, my local Nia studio, our Houston Community and the communities of many like minded folks around the globe. I love how I can travel almost anywhere in the world and get to enjoy Nia and make friends in a way I can’t imagine otherwise – Nia has created fabulous connections for me.

Q3) Who inspired your teaching?

The creators of Nia Technique, Carlos Aya Rosas and Debbie Rosas Stewart have been most instrumental in my teaching. I’ve also learned much from fellow trainers Holly Curtis and Dr Deb Kern, and now with a Nia faculty of over 40 talented unique trainers I learn something from each of them.

Q4) What inspired you to set up Soma Ranch?

Overall the inspiration to manifest Soma Ranch was a vision that came to me. A dream of bringing the best of me and my husband Joe together to be able to make an incredible difference in the lives of many, through creating a beautiful place of learning where everyone felt at home, welcome and loved. How cool to create a place where each person was treated how we’d like everyone on the planet to be treated.

3 Key Practical Influences:

1. With the success of our studio in Houston (NiaMoves) it was becoming increasingly challenging to juggle classes to accommodate the 40+ hour training week.

2. As I traveled the world offering Trainings I developed a keen eye and deep sense of what the optimum place of learning could be.

3. I found the immersion training experience to be the best. All my Training’s were residential, staying with Debbie and Carlos.

Helen, Joe & Liliana @ Soma Ranch

Helen, Joe & Liliana @ Soma Ranch

Q5) What do you offer at Soma Ranch?

We offer Nia trainings (white, green, blue, brown and 5 Stages), also Retreats such as Body Ecology Diet, Detox, Fun, Soma Summit (an annual weekend event where we bring some of the Nia finest presenters from around the world – this year we are featuring the Men of Nia, it’s open to everyBody).

Q6) Can you tell us why you think someone should visit Soma Ranch?

Why? Why not? Soma Ranch is a magical place, where folks can get away and replug into what is most meaningful and true for them. easy to get to, affordable, offering an incredible environment, organic yummy food, super people and often FABULOUS sunshine, and if that is not enough we have friendly mini Donkey’s waiting to say hi!!

Q7) What is your long term vision for Soma Ranch?

Once our daughter graduates from High School (next year). Joe and I plan to re- located to live full time on the Soma Ranch property. We are looking at building our own small Eco house near the lake, this will allow us to provide the main ranch house, dormitory and studio separate from our living space. We have already rescued 11 donkeys and 2 horses and would like to officially create a large animal sanctuary. We look forward to becoming as self sufficient as possible, including growing all our own fruits and vegetables, solar power, rain collecting and any other recycle, reuse initiatives we can include.

Q8) What are you working on right now, what’s next for you?

I’m preparing for the first White Belt Training in Japan, followed by the first Brown Belt at Soma Ranch with Debbie Rosas. This year is my 20th Wedding Anniversary AND my 20th Nia Anniversary. I’m beginning to plan something big to celebrate both….watch this space!!

The inspiration behind Soma Ranch

The inspiration behind Soma Ranch

May I take this opportunity to thank Helen for sharing with us the wonderful Soma Ranch. If you are interested to learn more about Helen’s classes, Retreats & Trainings @ Soma Ranch please click here.

I am also incredibly pleased to announce that Helen will be returning again to Asia at the end of this year (Oct/Nov 2013) as we are producing together a White Belt and Blue Belt Training at the wonderful Kamalaya

Kamalaya is on the beautiful island of Koh Samui, and is Thailand`s award-winning Wellness Sanctuary and Holistic Spa resort. If you are interested to learn more about the Trainings please click here

Tracey FennerAbout Tracey Fenner

Dancing has been part of Tracey’s life since the age of 3 years. Tracey left home at 16 years to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England. After extensive classical training Tracey graduated & danced professionally for a number of years. Tracey now has almost 2 decades of teaching experience, traveling extensively worldwide. In 2007 Tracey discovered Nia, a path that would change her life forever. Tracey is trained by the Co-Creators of Nia, Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas as well as International Master Trainers Helen Terry & Ann Christiansen. Now based in Hong Kong, Tracey has been instrumental in introducing the Nia Technique to the city, and is currently the only Certified Nia Black Belt in Hong Kong. Tracey is the Founder and Artistic Director of Nia Hong Kong and facilitates transformational Nia class experiences, workshops, & retreats around the planet at renowned yoga conferences, academies for performing arts, multi award winning health resorts & destination spas, creating a sacred space for her knowledge & wisdom to inspire others.

Website: Nia Hong Kong

Facebook: Nia Hong Kong

Twitter: Tracey @ Niahongkong


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Telephone Interview with Debbie Rosas ~ Co-Creator & Founder of Nia


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debbie_rosasBy Tracey Fenner

Until 2006 I had never heard of Nia, little did I know back then that this movement practice called ‘Nia’ would become such a integral part of my life. Recently I had the great honor to telephone interview the Co-Creator and Founder of Nia, Debbie Rosas.

Debbie continues to inspire humans around the planet with this incredible body of work called Nia. Debbie shares the message of Nia with such integrity, love and passion. I invite you to read on and discover how Nia can benefit your health, well-being and life….

Debbie Rosas Bio

Debbie Rosas is the co-creator and founder of Nia. Credited with shaping the mind-body fitness category, she is a leading fitness innovator, teacher, author, choreographer, performer, healer and artist whose work greatly influences the lives of thousands of women and men worldwide.

Debbie has co-authored two books – Non-Impact Aerobics and The Nia Technique. She also collaborated with Carlos AyaRosas to write the Holistic Fitness section of the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America Instructor Training Manual. Debbie has served on the Mind-Body Committee for the IDEA Health and Fitness Association, and has presented at numerous IDEA World and Inner IDEA fitness conventions. She was also a presenter for the Northwest Fitness Summit, National Wellness Conference, Whole Life Expo, International Spa and Fitness Association, Science and Consciousness Convention, and Sound Healers Convention.

She is particularly proud to have played a key role in developing programs at The Naturopathic School of Medicine, Shriners Hospital and Oregon Health and Sciences University. These programs continue to positively impact students, women, teens, and those diagnosed with arthritis and autism.

Debbie first worked as a medical illustrator, which sparked her fascination for the human body. In 1976, she established a tremendously successful exercise studio in Marin County, California called The Bod Squad. After becoming frustrated and unfulfilled by the “no pain, no gain” fitness mantra of the time, she set out on a creative journey to define a new approach to health, wellness and fitness. The result was Nia. Since then, Debbie has been committed to evolving the Nia practice and growing the Nia community.

Currently Debbie lives with her husband, Jeff Stewart, in Portland, Oregon where she teaches classes & trainings at Nia International Headquarters. Visit Debbie’s personal website to learn more about Debbie’s latest endeavors.

I have the great pleasure in welcoming Debbie Rosas.

Tracey: Q1) Can you please tell me about Nia as a Practice?

Debbie: Nia is a practice and a lifestyle because for me personally Nia really gave me a life and through movement itself I discovered that while at the beginning I was separating my movement practice from my life. What really has allowed me to bring a quality of vitality and life into my every hour was realizing that movement is a part of what sustains life. Movement is what sustains all life, including my body and the universe. So in order for me to stand for health, and to promote health and well-being it was necessary for me to bring movement into my everyday life. The statement that I stand for, which is a philosophy behind Nia is “Through movement we find health” So not only do we find it but we create it as well. Nia itself simply put is not only a workout but it is a sensation science. What came first was the workout and the workout was originally designed to deliver cardiovascular conditioning without jogging and jumping. What was unique was that we took off our shoes. And when I say we, I had a partner Carlos Rosas and I developed the programme back in the early eighties. Carlos is no longer part of the company but he helped me develop Nia back in the early 80’s. We took off our shoes and we stopped jumping up and down and this was stimulated by going to a martial art dojo. We were asked to move and we didn’t know how to move. All we could do was exercise, and it the process of stopping exercising and starting to move we realized that wow, through exercise we had lost our bodies innate ability to, the organic ability to move. So we set to regain what was natural to a human body, that is the ability to move and in the process realized that what martial arts provided was something that exercise didn’t and that was a practice.

Exercise seemed to be about something that we did and then went about our day, and there was always a separation. What was unique about Martial Arts was that it was a practice and here in lies the word lifestyle. A practice it something that has a philosophy. A philosophy is something that you believe to be real and true and often becomes a foundation for one’s life, and that is true of most practices. So the foundation for the life we have and for the health and well-being is one where we allow our body to move in its own way and its own time. This again came from the Martial arts. So this movement and lifestyle thing grew from just a workout into something that has effected my life on all levels.

In the beginning the programme was built about three Arts, Martial Arts, Dance Arts and Healing Arts. It started with the studying of Tai chi, then Taekwondo and then finally Aikido from the martial arts. Which gave me a tremendous amount of knowledge about the body, the energy and the function of the body. In an energy field in relationship to other things outside of myself. Then we went on to study more expressive arts, and that was bringing in the expression of Dance Arts, Jazz, Modern and Duncan dance. And then finally looking at bringing in the concept of healing, and the fact that if we are going to be moving our body it makes sense to learn how to move in more functional ways and actually heal and improve how we do what we do.

The result of all this exploration and Nia has now been around for 30 years was the development in about 2006 is something I call a sensation science. Sensation science is an applied science, we apply all of our methods and technology to the body using sensation, which is the voice of the body. To learn how to make right decisions and choices for our selves. And that works for someone who is well or someone who is dealing with a short of long term illness.

So this thing that what is Nia, is it practice? I say it is a science, it is based on the body’s way. A way of looking at the body as a map and following this map to understand not only how the body is designed to function but how we can function in harmony with our body and the world around us. And then this sensation science is how we define how and why we do what we do. Which was very important to me in developing a practice that is as rich and deep as Martial Arts were. And the practice itself has allowed me to step into what I would see as the new archetype of a human being, and that is what I say is a Sacred Athlete. That is someone who is dedicated to their health and well-being, who looks at life as a professional and looks at the playing field of their life, including when they workout in the gym as time to practice, so they are always prepared for the game of life, that they want to win.

Tracey: Thank you Debbie, I loved how Debbie described the Sacred Athlete here, the game of life, the professional and looks at the playing field of life..

Debbie: I think for a lot of people, people are looking for more and more and certainly people who are going to a health spa are looking for a sensation, and Nia provides that. It provides a healthy and passionate workout, it provides tools for a lifestyle and a philosophy that one can take out into their everyday life. An archetype, something to strive for, which is not dependent on a particular shape, size or age. I know the more I am willing to go deeper and deeper into the body the more I grow and evolve, the more Nia evolves. It all happens in the body and I am very thankful that I took my shoes off that day and got into my body and started to research pleasure and let go of the pain.

Tracey: Whilst interviewing Debbie I was presenting Nia at Kamalaya, Koh Samui, Thailand`s award-winning Wellness Sanctuary and Holistic Spa resort, where people can experience a life-enriching healthy holiday.

Tracey: I spoke about the environment I am currently in @ Kamalaya. A Spa resort which offers many many benefits to people to nurture their health and well-being. As Debbie shared so beautifully, Nia is a lifestyle practice. Many people who visit Kamalaya, discover incredible ways to enhance their life’s journey into better health and wellness. Nia for me is a wonderful example of such a practice. A movement practice that empowers people to become sacred athletes.

Debbie: When you look at what a spa offers, they call them treatments, spa treatments. Well what does that treatment do? It allows one to relax, it allows one to be touched, one to receive, for one to feel good, allows one to slow down and all of those things we do in Nia through movement. From the very beginning to setting the focus and intent to stepping in to providing a body centered movement practice to including a language that is dedicated to keeping people in their bodies and out of heads, because of that we talk about Nia as a somatic practice. The benefits of Nia go far beyond the cardiovascular conditioning or reflex of conditioning, muscular conditioning or body/brain conditioning. All those things people get in Nia but they also get the opportunity to take time out to feel, to sense, to notice to become aware and to cultivate pleasure in their body and I can think of no better place to do that than on the dance floor, so you feel like you have just come out of the spa.

Debbie leading a class at Nia HQ

Debbie leading a class at Nia HQ

Tracey: Q2) By dancing Nia how has that changed your life?

Debbie: It has created my life and it continues to develop how I am as a human being. Change is that constant of the universe, it is the one thing that you can count on. So if you look at the universe or if you look at a piece of choreography or someone’s wife, it’s in change its in flux, its in constant motion. So what Nia has allowed me to do is to be in motion with my body and my life and to have tools to live my experience in my body and not in my head. Its taught me and still continues to allow me to develop levels of consciousness, awareness, being attentive to all aspects of my life. Its allowed me to basically use movement as medicine. It’s taught me how to become a partner, in partnership with my body, it’s taught me to not be afraid of people, to be a good leader, to be a good teacher, to be compassionate. As we say in Nia it taught me to step into my greatness. You know the word athlete comes from the great word “athlos”, which means one that competes for Athlon or for the prize. The prize that I want and what I tell people is that I want to live well, and die well and that is the prize that I want.

Tracey: Q3) If you were to only describe Nia in only 3 words what would those words be?

Debbie: It would be sensation, pleasure and potential

I can get really normal and say its a workout, a lifestyle and a profession but you know Nia provides me with the optimal opportunities for healing and for personal development that can only occur if I treat myself as a separate individual, unique and also an individual connected to the whole. So I would say I am the part and I am the whole and the one. I think those would be 3 words words as well part, whole and one.

Tracey: Q4) Can you give us any tips to someone who is new to Nia?

Debbie: Wow, I say free falling, free falling is a really great thing to jump into things that you have no experience in, if you feel a little nervous anticipation then that is good. As it really good to do things that are a little scary once in a while. I think its important for people to not think “should I do this” but their hands on their gut or their belly and say does my body want to do this? To begin to stop isolating oneself from the body but integrate oneself with the body, by asking the body.

I think a lot of time someone can look inside a gym and see people moving and they say oh I can’t do that and that ‘I’ is a separation from their body. When they ask their body, their body would probably say well I would really love to do that. So how do they get to get themselves to do it? I think the first thing, they have to reclaim, what I call the rapture. To discover the magic of living in your body, and to begin to enjoy moving for yourself. For no other reason than to enjoy developing a relationship with their body. This is how they can live well and die well. And once they start moving, and not to keep up with someone else but to develop an intimate relationship, as intimate a relationship as they develop with their lover, develop that relationship with their body and if they move, as they move they start to get a feeling that this is right, to keep on doing it and to not question it.

Letting your body tell you, you are on the right path. If you keep doing it and your heart and spirit is letting you know this is right, then keep doing it. I tell people that beginners its really a combination of inspiration, motivation, education and movement that is going to fuel your desire to get up and do it again and again. It’s not about creating results when you begin it’s about creating a sensation that no matter how many times you do it you want to go through that door again and do it again and again. So it’s like a intense positive emotion that you want to cultivate, an intense positive sensation that you want to cultivate. And to know the other option to not move, it not going to get you to where you want to go.

Tracey: Q5) What do you think is the biggest misconception about Nia?

Debbie: I would say the biggest misconception is that it is not a workout. That it is for fat, old people!!! That it doesn’t have anything to offer someone who is younger or fit!

The beautiful thing about Nia is that its greatest strength is diversity, and that diversity sometimes makes it difficult to market and brand. So imagine if Coca Cola had 140 different packages you would walk into the store and you may not find it. But we are not a one package, Nia is something that is uniquely expressed and received by every individual, and everyone is and looks differently. The teachers are different, the people you see in class are different and so the strength is the diversity. To understand that in that diversity is what makes it powerful. So anyone can find a piece of Nia for them.

The fact that it looks like people aren’t working out hard, that’s the beautiful thing about Martial Arts. When you learn to use the body functionally and work with energy you take our the agitation and the unnecessary aggression and the movement become to look more softer, more fluid, more rounder, more graceful. This is the sign of greater strength, so that is a misconception as people look at agitation and hard fast movements and people think this is going to work, but that has no sustainability for a body.

Tracey: but there is so much of that type of movement around that so I suppose people feel that’s the way to go? So with Nia its really about educating people in a different way so…

Debbie: It’s really about different culture. Right now you live in a different culture than say I do in the United States. So I need to understand the cultures needs and I have to understand what attracts that culture. And so the knowledge of what fitness is and how you get fit, that has been sold to people since the mid 70’s, so people have an idea of what that is.

Nia is 30 years old, years ago when we were doing yoga, no one had heard of it, you couldn’t find a yoga class in a gym 30 years ago. You couldn’t find Tai chi years ago unless you took Martial Arts. So it is a process of re-educating people and just as technology is expanding and making it possible for us to see things that we didn’t see yesterday. Part of Nia’s education is to educate people and give people an opportunity to see other ways that they didn’t know, and this is what takes time and takes patience.

Tracey: Yes I agree, in the culture that I am currently teaching in (I am based in Hong Kong) I definitely agree that it is time that is needed to really educate people to see other ways that they didn’t know….

Debbie: I think sometime teachers make the mistake that they fall to much into the soft category and they dont balance it enough with the yang movements. So there is a real thin line of how you blend the yin and the yang. So people do get the workout and they do feel the physicality of soft.

Debbie Rosas ~ Co Creator and Founder of Nia

Debbie Rosas ~ Co Creator and Founder of Nia

Tracey: Q6) What is your vision for Nia in the future?

The vision for the future is something I have been working on from day one, the vision is that we expand our programming. We have right now, what we call classic Nia, which is what most people teach. And then from there we developed a healing movement practice called the 5 stages and most recently we will be doing a hard launch in July of this year for the 52 Moves, which is more of an athletic programme. This focusing on delivering 4 different kinds of conditioning to a more athletic fitness orientated market.

We have expanded our training faculty from 14 to over 40. This means that these extra 40 trainers will now be sharing the White Belt Trainings to special markets and we want to expand those markets so that the work of Nia is shared in a bigger way. To healthy and unhealthy populations that could benefit from the movement and also benefit from the philosophy, the science, craft and art of the work.

We are expanding our community interaction. And that means we are involving more of the training faculty in writing material in our newsletters and we are also expanding our out reach in terms of social media and getting our teachers and trainers involved in this years tidal wave. Collective marketing that we started in the year 2000 and it was designed to bring teachers and students together. For communities to collaborate and grow and share the message of health through movement.

This year being as it is Nia’s 30 year anniversary we are going to be having 13 unique events and those 13 events are meant to provide 13 unique waves to create knowledge and awareness for Nia to help build the intensive White Belt success for trainers and to help bring more people into classes and to help build awareness throughout the world as Nia as a workout, movement practice & lifestyle.

We are also now have trainers collaborating and creating the routine material. And the routines that were once isolated to just the teacher is now going to be expanded. We are going to be expanding the routine library to the general public. The NiaWear programme, which is our clothing line, which is really a beautiful representation of our culture that is expanding as well as is our Nia Sounds, which is our unique music label. Which makes it possible for our teachers to have music and to be legally licensed to use music.

Tracey: Q7) What are you working on right now and what is next for you?

Well the big piece that I am working on right now is a Trainings called The Body’s Way and I have been working on a book since about 1993 and started to get more committed to it in 2006, now I am really working on finalizing it. I am also working on completing all of the learn books, which is the books we give out at the intensives for White, Blue, Brown and Black Belts. As well I am going through all the collateral material that I have created, I am being to develop it and package it. I am going to make it a for profit project, which I realize this year that I am so good at putting out putting out and this year I want to balance more with what comes in and what goes out. This is a really important thing for me as a women and the CEO of the company.

I wish to thank Debbie Rosas very much for her time and for sharing with us her knowledge, inspiration and wisdom. If you are interested to find out more about Nia and experience a Nia class near you please click here

Tracey FennerAbout Tracey Fenner

Dancing has been part of Tracey’s life since the age of 3 years. Tracey left home at 16 years to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England. After extensive classical training Tracey graduated & danced professionally for a number of years. Tracey now has almost 2 decades of teaching experience, traveling extensively worldwide. In 2007 Tracey discovered Nia, a path that would change her life forever. Tracey is trained by the Co-Creators of Nia, Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas as well as International Master Trainers Helen Terry & Ann Christiansen. Now based in Hong Kong, Tracey has been instrumental in introducing the Nia Technique to the city, and is currently the only Certified Nia Black Belt in Hong Kong. Tracey is the Founder and Artistic Director of Nia Hong Kong and facilitates transformational Nia class experiences, workshops, & retreats around the planet at renowned yoga conferences, academies for performing arts, multi award winning health resorts & destination spas, creating a sacred space for her knowledge & wisdom to inspire others.

Website: Nia Hong Kong

Facebook: Nia Hong Kong

Twitter: Tracey @ Niahongkong


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Exclusive interview with Master Teacher & Trainer Ann Christiansen


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Annby Tracey Fenner

I had the great pleasure of first meeting & dancing Nia with Ann in the UK in 2009. Since then I have trained with Ann at Nia HQ in Portland for my Brown and Black Belts. For me Ann is an incredible teacher, master trainer and mentor. Experiencing Nia with Ann is for me a profound experience. I am inspired by her precision, dedication, enthusiasm and pure love for the art form which is the Nia practice. Whenever I dance Nia with Ann I feel completely in safe hands, a master who teaches everything with ease and freshness. Ann’s teaching takes me to new levels, expanding my knowledge and my potential beyond anything I had felt was possible. Ann compassion and heartfelt support encourages me to step out of my comfort zone and be the best I can be. I am honored to have trained with Ann and to share a deep passion for the work of Nia. I highly recommend anyone who has the opportunity to dance Nia and train with Ann Christiansen, go for it, step in! It will be an incredible gift for your body, mind, spirit and LIFE!

Deep gratitude to Ann for her continued support and love and for sharing her wisdom with me, I am thrilled to share with you this exclusive interview with Ann Christiansen, the 2012 Sacred Athlete.

“For me, Nia is an exhilarating culmination of the joys I have pursued throughout my life – movement, music, healing, world cultures and connecting to humanity. Nia has given me the opportunity to fulfill my life’s purpose as a Sacred Athlete and guide to healing. As a Nia teacher and trainer, I inspire people all over the world to enhance their life experience with Music, Movement and Magic. Nia invites everybody to love and accept themselves fully, and to develop their full potential.” ~ Ann Christiansen

Bio ~ Ann Christiansen

My path to becoming a Nia trainer can be traced back to my early passion for swimming. Growing up on the west coast of Sweden, I spent entire days playing in the ocean, enjoying a sense of comfort and delight in my body and oneness with the world. My dedication to swimming opened doors to travel, adventure, and deep appreciation for athleticism and the human body.

In 1984, I had the honor of swimming in the Los Angeles Olympic Games and in the European & World Championships. In 1998 I became a World Champion in masters swimming in the 400 and 800 freestyle, and in the 400 IM.

Following the 1984 Olympics, I enjoyed a modeling career that took me around the world to Paris, Milan, Zürich, Hamburg and Tokyo. I lived in Tokyo for five years, from 1987-1992 and I taught swimming, wrote four books on swimming techniques and hosted a weekly TV show.

After returning to Europe, I began to study applied kinesiology, massage therapy and alternative healing techniques covering subjects like sound therapy, 7-Chi.keys, chakra balancing, and nutritional kinesiology to mention a few. I also had a ten year career as a physical therapist, serving on the staff of the Swedish National Swim Team between 1996-1997.

Little did I know that my Olympic swimming career and subsequent study of kinesiology, physiology, and energy healing would all be excellent preparation for my first encounter with Nia! I experienced my first Nia class in 1997. I did not know what to expect, but I immediately sensed a fusion of all of my learning and interests up until this point. The intelligence and depth with which The Nia Technique connects body, mind, emotions and spirit felt amazing. I knew I wanted to dive in. The following year I experienced the life-changing Nia White Belt Intensive, and immediately began teaching.

My vision was to share and grow Nia in Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and throughout Europe. Though I had no previous experience leading group activities of this kind I was excited to guide people in a class where they could be seduced by the music, and to experience physical fitness with emotional expression. The beauty of Nia is that it conditions your whole being – not just your body.

In 2001 I received my Nia Black Belt, and in 2003 I became a Nia Trainer. I am now certified to teach all five belt levels of the Nia educational system: White, Green, Blue, Brown and Black. In 2008 the Nia co-founders, Debbie Rosas and Carlos Aya Rosas selected me as the first Nia Teacher of the Year. I currently share the magic of Nia with communities worldwide, offering Nia Intensive Trainings and classes in the United States, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, South Africa, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, UK, Italy, Australia, and Bahrain.

Ann ChristiansenANN’S WEBSITE

1) How did you first discover Nia?
Through a friend of mine in 1997, Isabella. She invited me to a class in Stockholm. She found Nia during an IDEA fitness conference in America in 1996 and brought it to Sweden. My first class was a special experience, I don’t remember liking the music very much, the room was quite cold and yet the movements had an impact on my whole being. I sensed something very special through my feet dancing barefoot and being allowed to repeat the movements enough time to get into sensation, it was intriguing and I knew I had to come back for more and find out what Nia is about!

2) What are the benefits of Nia?
Oh, there are so many for me. It started with the physical sensations of connecting to my body and the endless possibilities to enhance pleasure and well-being through the design of the workout. The chemistry of the 9 movement forms, the joy, plus my discovery of my own dance, my own personal expression in the moves. Now I know more about all these benefits and over the years Nia´s language has given me more and more access to learn about The Body’s Way. To move the way the body is designed and then to add what we call “your Body’s Way” each student is encourage to bring in their own expression and to adapt the movement. This enhances awareness and the ability to move safely and to condition the body. Nia also conditions us holistically, not only does the body get trained, the mind, the emotions and the spirit as well. How it works? In the class experience the students are invited to move, to sense, and then to enhance the experience in a multidimensional way using so called “pearls” words that are crafted by the teacher so that the movement comes alive! I get to “reach for the clouds” to enhance my flexibility and balance. I get to express “joy” to move emotional energy that conditions and shapes my arms. I get to “express Jazz-energy” so my Spirit can play and have fun. All this can enhance my overall awareness and my nervous system ability to adapt. In Nia our slogan is “Through Movement We Find Health” this allows me to take the practice into daily life, stay connected to sensation and enhance pleasure of living in my body. All this can happen while taking regular Nia classes and if there is a wish for more Nia offers educational programs like the White-Belt Intensive or the 52 Moves training that teaches Nia’s basic moves.

3) Do you think that being an athlete has helped your Nia practice?
Maybe, I love to move and the knowledge I bring with me from having trained and conditioned my body in many different ways may influence the way I move and dance Nia. I was not very grounded in my feet when starting with Nia it was all new to me to be up on land , not swimming, and to find grounding and stability in my posture.

4) By dancing Nia how has that changed your life?
It has become my livelihood now, the first 5 years with Nia it was an extra added to my two other careers and jobs. After running 10-13 classes per week and many workshops I could take the step and the risk to offer the intensive trainings and do Nia full time. It has changed the way I move, the way I now can meet like-minded people all over the world.

5) If you could describe Nia using only 3 words what would they be?
Music, Movement, Magic

6) Who or what has inspired your practice, your journey?
The first introduction came from my dear friend Isabella. I continue to become inspired every day by the people I meet and who take my classes and intensives. The founders of Nia have always kept my motivation and inspiration alive. It seems to have no end and I continue to become inspired by the music and how the movements develop and refine themselves. With the years of practice I can choose and find joy in all I do.

7) Any tips for someone new to Nia?
New to Nia! The program is design so that anybody can join at any stage of their lives, young-old fit or not yet fit, people who search for “something” that includes dance, fitness, simple choreography and expressive movements. When new, I recommend to keep coming to class and feel no pressure to get it “right”. The integration and coordination will be trained and one can experience moments of growth and new skills developing for many many years.

8) What is the biggest misconception about Nia?
I don’t know, maybe someone who has not yet been in a full class from beginning to end to feel it´s complete effect can have a misconception that it is “to slow” or we just run around in a circle and laugh, that that is not “fitness” or training. It depends what one has seen or heard. Today there are so many good you-tube clips around that explains what Nia is. I have myself produced several movies together with a professional movie-maker to illustrate what Nia is and to prevent misconceptions.

Watch Ann dance Nia
Nia is not emotional therapy, Nia is fusion fitness and yes we use emotional expression to condition the body and this can feel like it works therapeutically. People generally feel this alchemy after the first minutes of the class, and the feeling afterwards is that energy has moved and I can say “I feel better”. We connect this with the concept of becoming body literate, connected to sensation and the persons ability to sense life-force. Our first Principle is “Joy of Movement” and this is present in every Nia class.

9) What do you love about Nia?
The elegant blend of Form and Freedom, the invitation to Stimulate Movement Creativity, the intelligence and philosophy behind Nia, how it developed out of a desire to create sometime based on love and joy for the body, that our door is open for everyone who wants to come and join in.

10) What are you working on right now, what’s next for you?
I am at the moment assisting and giving my input to the White Belt manual and material that is being revamped and updated. I just finished a White and Green Belt in Switzerland. This weekend I will go to two German cities to promote Nia sharing a Nia class in Lpüneburg and Kiel and teach my lovely Saturday and Sunday morning classes here in Hamburg. I am learning new Nia routines! Next week I will be in Portland , USA for more training with Debbie Rosas (Co-Creator of Nia) and the first training called “The Body’s Way” at Nia Headquarters.

I wish to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Ann for sharing her inspiration & knowledge with us. Please click here to see behind the scenes at a Nia Training with Ann and Debbie Rosas (Co-Creator & Founder of Nia). To experience a Nia Class experience and /or Nia Training with Ann Christiansen please click here.

Tracey FennerAbout Tracey Fenner

Dancing has been part of Tracey’s life since the age of 3 years. Tracey left home at 16 years to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England. After extensive classical training Tracey graduated & danced professionally for a number of years. Tracey now has almost 2 decades of teaching experience, traveling extensively worldwide. In 2007 Tracey discovered Nia, a path that would change her life forever. Tracey is trained by the Co-Creators of Nia, Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas as well as International Master Trainers Helen Terry & Ann Christiansen. Now based in Hong Kong, Tracey has been instrumental in introducing the Nia Technique to the city, and is currently the only Certified Nia Black Belt in Hong Kong. Tracey is the Founder and Artistic Director of Nia Hong Kong and facilitates transformational Nia class experiences, workshops, & retreats around the planet at renowned yoga conferences, academies for performing arts, multi award winning health resorts & destination spas, creating a sacred space for her knowledge & wisdom to inspire others.

Website: Nia Hong Kong

Facebook: Nia Hong Kong

Twitter: Tracey @ Niahongkong


The benefits of dancing Nia


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Tribal Nia Event with live drumming ~ image by David Fenner @ www.partialartist.com

Tribal Nia Event with live drumming ~ image by David Fenner @ http://www.partialartist.com

As a Nia student and Nia teacher for 6 years now I have experience first hand so many benefits to my life and to my body-mind-spirit through dancing Nia. Nia is a wonderful movement and lifestyle practice that had touched me deeply and inspires me on a daily basis to be a better human being. I have never felt fitter and I love that my body feels and is it’s healthiest and happiest ever!

We have many many options available to us when it comes to choosing what to do exercise wise to improve our health and well-being. What I love about Nia is that the practice has evolved very organically over 30 years. With 10,000’s of students in over 48 countries now practicing Nia regularly. Nia proves that it is a movement and lifestyle practice that lasts, and will be around for a long long time to come. Nia is still very young when compared to the origins of Yoga and even Pilates but I believe it is the 21st century’s answer to wellness. The movement variety and benefits that Nia offers keeps people returning and returning to class. It was born out of the desire that fitness could be better, be fun and cater to the whole person. For more background on Nia, one that will make you really understand the inspiration behind this sensory-based movement practice, please click here to find out the Nia Story

Nia has revolutionized the fitness industry and transformed people’s bodies and lives. Here are some benefits of dancing Nia….

Nia inspires people to make choices for themselves. Every person can discover, explore, unleash and enhance their individual potential to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Cardiovascular conditioning which facilitates weight loss and results in proper weight maintenance. Nia improves endurance and stimulates organ function, particularly that of the hearts and lungs.

Nia’s grounded bare footed approach helps to improves a connection to the earth. This strengthens the base of the body, our foundation, which in time generates more grace and power in the whole body.

In Nia there is no jogging or jumping, low impact fitness results in participants listening to their bodies and moving in safer ways. Better efficiency in the body while moving with dynamic ease.

By integrating every part of the body and moving systemically Nia improves better circulation.

The first cycle of any Nia class is setting a focus and intention. This is a wonderful way for people to really pay attention and feel the results by the end of each class. Energy follows attention. I believe approaching our lives with more focus and intent will result in living the life that we truly desire.

The 9 movement forms of Nia and the Nia 52 Moves create movement variety and improves creativity. Stimulating both right and left sides of our brains.

A Nia class creates an environment for people to take safe risks, to stretch the boundaries of their comfort zones. This can lead to alleviate emotional problems, including depression and anxiety. Nia helps to calm the mind, which relieves and reduces stress.

Improved communication skills, listening from within ourselves in order to transmit with more clarity to others. Improved self esteem which increases confidence and happiness.

The current continuing education that Nia HQ are sharing is “Becoming a Sensation Scientist”. This is an extensive body of work created by Debbie Rosas (Co-Creator and Founder of Nia) which looks at the science of the body and encourages people to research for themselves how truly amazing our bodies really are! By understanding how our bodies function and to be more fascinated about anatomy we are then truly on the path to feeling in order to heal. Enhancing sensory awareness in the whole body.

Nia improves concentration and cognitive function.

During a Nia class we balance out the five sensation responsible for functional fitness. These are Flexibility, Agility, Mobility, Stability and Strength. By connecting to each of these sensations we stimulate the body in many positive ways. For example this leads to strengthening muscles, improves muscle time and increase muscle definition. More mobility in all the joints increases the flow of chi energy throughout the entire body. Increased grace and flexibility improving posture and alignment.

Through movement we find health, more love and joy which increases the pleasure of living in a healthy body, living a happy and fulfilled life.

To feel the benefits of Nia for your body please click here to find a Nia class near you.


About Tracey Fenner

Dancing has been part of Tracey’s life since the age of 3 years. Tracey left home at 16 years to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England. After extensive classical training Tracey graduated & danced professionally for a number of years. Tracey now has almost 2 decades of teaching experience, traveling extensively worldwide. In 2007 Tracey discovered Nia, a path that would change her life forever. Tracey is trained by the Co-Creators of Nia, Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas as well as International Master Trainers Helen Terry & Ann Christiansen. Now based in Hong Kong, Tracey has been instrumental in introducing the Nia Technique to the city, and is currently the only Certified Nia Black Belt in Hong Kong. Tracey is the Founder and Artistic Director of Nia Hong Kong and facilitates transformational Nia class experiences, workshops, & retreats around the planet at renowned yoga conferences, academies for performing arts, multi award winning health resorts & destination spas, creating a sacred space for her knowledge & wisdom to inspire others.

Website: Nia Hong Kong

Facebook: Nia Hong Kong

Twitter: Tracey @ Niahongkong


Nia for beginners


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Nia class ~ image taken by David Fenner www.partialartist.com

Nia class ~ image taken by David Fenner www.partialartist.com

By Tracey Fenner

So have you heard of Nia? If not, then I recommend you check out this video link here: Nia in Action

Intrigued to experience a Nia class for your self?

Here’s a few pointers as to what to expect from a Nia class experience as a beginner…

Doing something for the first can be a little daunting even if you have watched Nia on YouTube, or seen it advertised at your local fitness/health club or even heard your friends rave about it for ages! Embrace your beginner’s mind, an openness to a new and fresh experience. An opportunity for new growth is possible, embrace this stage.

Go bare footed and wear something that you can move freely in. Feeling great in what you wear can give you a real boost in confidence. Many people who dance Nia enjoy to wear funky flares, dresses and skirts. You can check out some Nia clothing ideas here NiaWear

Number one thing you will notice in any Nia class is that everyone is smiling, having a fabulous time, enjoying themselves.

A Nia class is typically an hour long and is a class dedicated to you, your body and to your body’s ability to heal.

The hour passes so fast. Nia routines are so rich in movement variety that before you realize you will be leaving feeling so much better about yourself. Energized yet calm in your body, mind, with your emotions and in spirit.

You may move out of your comfort zone. People who are new to Nia sometimes feel a little self conscious when they first start the class. An element of the ‘unknown’ can bring a nervousness. Nia is a unique movement practice. Be open minded, step into the unknown and sense it like an adventure!

The Nia Choreography (52 Moves) repeat many times, giving you the opportunity to ‘get it’, to be in your body and to be guided by your body sensations/signals. Remember to embrace your natural sense of timing when learning something for the first time and be kind to yourself.

Every class you will dance the 52 Moves, once you start to recognize these moves then you will quickly sense more ease and relaxation in your body & mind. Nia also has ‘Freedance’ sessions to stimulate your own movement creativity and the teacher will encourage you to move in your style.

In a Nia class you will notice that everyone is moving differently but at the same time moving together as a group. We call this moving in ‘your body’s way’. Nia recognizes that we are all unique and we all move differently, embrace your uniqueness.

Nia is designed for all levels, you’ll be guided by the teacher and will be given many choices throughout the class. Depending on how you feel on that particular day you can choose what level to move in. We work in different levels of intensity, level 1, 2 and 3. Level 1 being less intense more simple and 3 being more challenging. We also move in different planes low, middle and high. Empowering you to make choices for your body moment to moment.

Relax, begin small (range of motion) and focus on the base movements first. Feet, ankles, legs, knees and hips. Once the base (the foundation) gets stronger and stable then you will move with greater ease. Pick up your feet to place the movements and this will help to protect your knees and hips. Approaching anything new in your life with relaxation will calm your nervous system and result in more balance and harmony.

Find your rhythm. Find your own pace and speed. You will listen and dance to fabulous soul-stirring music. Express yourself and make the movements an expression of you. Be yourself and have fun. Remember if the teacher goes one way and you go the opposite direction, it’s absolutely no problem.

Strive for balance. Listen to your body signals, don’t strain and move within your comfort zone. Move comfortably and with pleasure. Moving with joy and pleasure is another number one priority in Nia.

About 20 minutes into any Nia class experience you will move into the ‘get moving’ cycle. This is where Nia promises to deliver cardiovascular conditioning. Keep doing body checks, check your breathing. Breath deeply from your belly, giving plenty of oxygen to your muscles.

The beauty of Nia is that every single part of your body will be used, from the tip of your fingers to the tip of your toes. A truly holistic approach to movement. Use your whole body, move all of your 13 main joints and 20 digits. Dancing Nia will build muscle strength and joint mobility.

Balance you fitness program with a good diet, drink plenty of H20, have enough sleep and proper nutrition.

Nia welcomes everyone, every shape, every age, every fitness level, every culture, every size, everyBODY. I invite you to step in and have the best hour’s fitness class your body-mind-spirit could wish for. The benefits of dancing Nia will positively shape the way you feel, look, live and move in your body. Love your body and love your life!

So I invite you to do something today that your future self will thank you for, the power is now. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can achieve today. Check out where your nearest Nia class is today ~ Find a Nia Teacher


About Tracey Fenner

Dancing has been part of Tracey’s life since the age of 3 years. Tracey left home at 16 years to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England. After extensive classical training Tracey graduated & danced professionally for a number of years. Tracey now has almost 2 decades of teaching experience, traveling extensively worldwide. In 2007 Tracey discovered Nia, a path that would change her life forever. Tracey is trained by the Co-Creators of Nia, Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas as well as International Master Trainers Helen Terry & Ann Christiansen. Now based in Hong Kong, Tracey has been instrumental in introducing the Nia Technique to the city, and is currently the only Certified Nia Black Belt in Hong Kong. Tracey is the Founder and Artistic Director of Nia Hong Kong and facilitates transformational Nia class experiences, workshops, & retreats around the planet at renowned yoga conferences, academies for performing arts, multi award winning health resorts & destination spas, creating a sacred space for her knowledge & wisdom to inspire others.

Website: Nia Hong Kong

Facebook: Nia Hong Kong

Twitter: Tracey @ Niahongkong



7 tips to make this the happiest & healthiest year yet!


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@ StudioNia in Portland, OR www.nianow.com

@ StudioNia in Portland, OR www.nianow.com

by Tracey Fenner

The start of a year brings the opportunity to make a shift, to change and renew. To take time to reflect on how far you have come to get to this exact point in your life. New Year resolutions are sometimes difficult to keep. We start of with every good intention and then if we are not mindful we slip back into old habits. We are after all creatures of habit.

So I invite you to be kind to yourself. You can be motivated to make the changes in order to live the life you desire. Keep it simple and don’t be too hard on yourself, everything moves in natural time. We all have our own nature pace and rhythm and in some areas of our life we just need more time.

In a Nia class experience we move through 7 different cycles, each cycle ends as another starts. Each cycle has a particular purpose in delivering the promise of holistic fitness. I invite you to move through each cycle with me now as we explore creating the happiest and healthiest year yet!

  • Cycle 1 ~ Focus & Intent

Create a vision board for what it is you want in your life. Be detailed, the more details the clearer the vision will be. Dream big. Put your vision board up somewhere where you can look at it often and be reminded. Another way is to journal, write down your short & long term intentions. What can you let go off in order to step into your potential? What is no longer serving you? By recognizing what to let go of and focusing on what you desire you will then manifest this faster, and it will soon become a reality.

  • Cycle 2 ~ Step in

Then take a step in, connect with your heart centre and make choices out of love for your self. I invite you to choose out of love not out of fear. Love is expansive, an open accepting energy, fear is contracting. Loving thoughts and actions will attract more love into your life. Make a commitment to your self to practice at least one act of self care every day. What is the most important thing you have to do today? Do that first.

  • Cycle 3 ~ Warm Up

Enjoy every moment, do not dwell on the past. Live in the ‘now’ moment. Recognize that life is full of ups and downs. In a Nia ‘warm up’ cycle we move through different planes (low, middle & high), sensing the body’s ability to change position and direction with ease. Every moment we have a choice, to choose positive thoughts and to invite more joy into our lives. Tapping into universal joy is the first principle in a Nia White Belt Training (The Joy of Movement). Joy is all around us and I invite you to choose to welcome it into your life in every moment.

  • Cycle 4 ~ Get Moving

I invite you to get moving, moving your body every day is so vital to maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. In Nia, we ‘dance through life’, everything we do in life is a dance, feel the aliveness in your body. Moving just 30 minutes a day can help to strengthen your cardiovascular system. The intent in the ‘get moving’ cycle in a Nia class experience is to deliver cardiovascular conditioning.

  • Cycle 5 ~ Cool Down

Slowing down and taking time to rest is vital. Breathe long slow, deep belly breathes. This will help to calm your mind, your emotions and relax your body. Let go. Letting go and going with the flow will create more relaxation in your life. Sometimes not getting what you want is an incredible stroke of luck! Principle #2 in the Nia White Belt Training is ‘Natural time’. Allow things to unfold in their natural time…

  • Cycle 6 ~ Floor Play

Spend time in nature, immerse yourself in the beauty of this incredible planet which we call home. Sitting peacefully, connected to the earth, can help you to feel safe, rooted and more grounded. In Nia, we call our feet ‘the hands that touch the earth’, reminding us of this connection to earth in every moment. Experience sitting and meditating and feel the benefits that this will give your health & well-being. Be kind to your self.

  • Cycle 7 ~ Step Out

See a path that is yours. Be courageous, step out of your comfort zone at least once a day and let your spirit propel you forward. Embrace the unknown and be bold. Enjoy the journey. Do something everyday that your future self will thank you for, start small and soon those small seeds will grow and flourish.

Before, during and after any great workout drink lots of H2O, feel refreshed, renewed and re-energized!

Feel the benefits of these 7 simple tips and become your ‘best self’. Be the change you wish to see. In my mind this is already an amazing year. It’s what I do with this gift of another year of life that is important…


About Tracey Fenner

Dancing has been part of Tracey’s life since the age of 3 years. Tracey left home at 16 years to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England. After extensive classical training Tracey graduated & danced professionally for a number of years. Tracey now has almost 2 decades of teaching experience, traveling extensively worldwide. In 2007 Tracey discovered Nia, a path that would change her life forever. Tracey is trained by the Co-Creators of Nia, Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas as well as International Master Trainers Helen Terry & Ann Christiansen. Now based in Hong Kong, Tracey has been instrumental in introducing the Nia Technique to the city, and is currently the only Certified Nia Black Belt in Hong Kong. Tracey is the Founder and Artistic Director of Nia Hong Kong and facilitates transformational Nia class experiences, workshops, & retreats around the planet at renowned yoga conferences, academies for performing arts, multi award winning health resorts & destination spas, creating a sacred space for her knowledge & wisdom to inspire others.

Website: Nia Hong Kong

Facebook: Nia Hong Kong

Twitter: Tracey @ Niahongkong


What is Nia?


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Nia class in action. Taken by David Fenner www.fotofu.co.uk

Nia class in action. Image taken by David Fenner @ Fotofu

by Tracey Fenner

This is a question that I am asked a lot.

Nia (pronounced KneeAh) is many things to many people. For me Nia is a fabulous movement and lifestyle practice that helps to enhance my health, my well-being and my fitness. Given the choice I would rather spend my time exercising in a fun, joyful way than suffering pain and pushing my body to it’s absolute limit.

I discovered Nia 6 years ago. I wasn’t really sure what it was all about to start with, I read an article in a health magazine and was intrigued. I have danced mainly classical ballet since the age of 3 years old and loved it! In my mid 30’s I found that the many years of pushing my body to it’s limit were starting to take its toll! I was looking for a change, something different, something more gentle on my body & something more holistic in nature. I still wanted to dance but I wanted to dance in a way that would take greater care of my body.

Hello Nia! I’ve found a movement practice that stimulates my physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It’s everything I was looking for in one amazing hit! I get to sweat my stresses away, dancing to amazing soul stirring music, I have lots of fun and I have never felt fitter in my life, and that is saying something after a lifetime of dancing for a living!

What I love about Nia is the variety. There are 9 forms of movement combined in one powerful class. Nia is comprised of the best elements taken from Tai Chi, Aikido, Taekwondo, Jazz, Modern dance, Duncan dance, Yoga, Alexander Technique, and Teachings of Moshe Feldenkrais. I love that you don’t need to have any experience in any of these forms to love Nia. I love the structure & precise of the choreography which is built on 52 Moves. I love that there is also ‘freedom’ with the free dance sections. I love that I get to move my body gently to a place of full potential and inspire other people to so the same. I love how Nia has taught me to be inspired, to learn more about the anatomy of my body, and what it feels like to live in a healthy body. Being aware of my body-mind connection during class has also improved my ability to live with more awareness in my life. I love the way Nia empowers people to move in their way, according to the design of their body.

Often in an exercise class we are just ‘following the teacher’ we’re not 100% aware of our bodies. In practicing Nia you become your own conscious personal trainer, getting what you want out of the class moment to moment! Every day is different, depending on what life has in store for us! Every day is an opportunity to be a better human being….

Nia has opened my mind to a NEW healthy way of moving. Now I only dance Nia. It’s the very best thing I ever did for my body-mind-spirit. If you are a person who get’s ‘bored’ with exercise then I highly recommend Nia. If you are looking for something unique, experience Nia. If you are looking for more pleasure, fun & happiness in your life, give Nia a go. If you are looking to improve the health and well-being of your body, dance Nia. If you are looking for fitness that lasts and enhances your life in profound ways, discover the many benefits that Nia can offer you. At the end of the day what have you got to lose?! Nia may just be the very best thing you ever did for your body and mind….Fitness doesn’t have to be no pain, no gain. Nia proves that. Nia for me is the answer to the very best 21st century fitness/movement class experience. Take the leap today….

Nia was created over 30 years ago and is now growing fast, reaching about 48 countries, you can find a teacher near you by checking out the ‘find a teacher’ on Nia Now


About Tracey Fenner

Dancing has been part of Tracey’s life since the age of 3 years. Tracey left home at 16 years to attend the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, England. After extensive classical training Tracey graduated & danced professionally for a number of years. Tracey now has almost 2 decades of teaching experience, traveling extensively worldwide. In 2007 Tracey discovered Nia, a path that would change her life forever. Tracey is trained by the Co-Creators of Nia, Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas as well as International Master Trainers Helen Terry & Ann Christiansen. Now based in Hong Kong, Tracey has been instrumental in introducing the Nia Technique to the city, and is currently the only Certified Nia Black Belt in Hong Kong. Tracey is the Founder and Artistic Director of Nia Hong Kong and facilitates transformational Nia class experiences, workshops, & retreats around the planet at renowned yoga conferences, academies for performing arts, multi award winning health resorts & destination spas, creating a sacred space for her knowledge & wisdom to inspire others.

Website: Nia Hong Kong

Facebook: Nia Hong Kong

Twitter: Tracey @ Niahongkong
